The simplest method to get up and running with AKS is via the azure CLI.You can find instructions to install it here.
Once you have az
setup, you can login via the az login
command.After successfull authentication you are pretty much ready to create a managed kubernetes cluster(AKS) in Azure.AKS has not reached GA and is in preview now.Therefore you are limited to regions listed (here][]
resource group
The first step is to create a resource group in any of the avialable regions.
az group create --name <name> --location <avialable location>
Now create the cluster using the following command
az aks create --name <cluster name> --resource-group <nameofRGcreatedabove> --generate-ssh-keys --node-count <number_of_nodes_in_cluster>
Azure will take some time spinning up the nodes and bootstrapping the cluster.
Once the cluster is ready.set the kubectl
context to the new cluster by using the following command.
az aks get-credentials -n <clustername> -g <resourcegroup>
Boom! Now you can communicate to the cluster using kubectl
, run a kubectl get nodes
to confirm.You will be greeted with an output similar to the one shown below.
aks-nodepool<x-xxxxxxxx-x> Ready agent 7d v1.9.2